Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Here are some pictures from all of our fun adventures this summer!
Aqua Sox game

Shannon and Steves lake house

Mt. Pilchuck

Brent and I tumbling....

some more graciously than others ;)
Playing at the lake
Fun at the zoo
Oregon Coast

Well we said we would update this more often but we have already gotten a little behind. We can't believe it is already November. Not much is new, we are still plugging away at school! We have began trying to bring children into our family! We had a miscarriage a few months ago, it was sad but we are still trying and are hopeful for the the future. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and concern, please continue to keep us in your prayers! We are doing the best we can at the moment, trying to keep our heads up!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Well we are back at school after a long nice summer in Washington. We are both getting ready for the semester. My home sickness is starting to kick into high gear after being away for two years. But I graduate soon. April! Brent switched his major last semester from physical therapy to occupational therapy. We looked into it and their seems to be a greater need for occupational therapists at this time. It is also more diverse. You can do a lot of different things with occupational therapy than you can with physical therapy. We are hoping to return back to Washington when he graduates in about a year. We miss home a lot but hope it wont be long till we get to go back! We have lots of pictures from the summer we will have to post once I get them from my mom. Hopefully we will write again soon! (Not a year and a half later)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Yes, married people get blogs...

This past weekend Azz and I traveled down to Utah for a triple decker of events first, it was Azz's 19th Birthday so we got a room at the Red Lion Hotel in Downtown SLC(SLC, romantic I know) Then the same day it was my main man Ross' wedding where we also got to visit with the Kyser family.

It was a really great trip and I wish time could've slowed down so that we could've seen a lot more people and relaxed a little more but thats the way it goes. It was definitely cool to be at the Sadler's Sealing and reception. Although it wasn't long ago that we were there it definitely makes you cherish it even more when you see someone close to you go through the same process. Congrats once again to Ross and January. I was nice to have Sean and Kelly there otherwise, we wouldn't have really known anyone but Ross at the wedding. It was also nice cause I wasn't the only one gimping around the temple grounds.

The Hotel we stayed at was pretty legit, it had a spa, nice breakfast, restaurant and a dance club on the top floor. It was weird to see all these girls with their butts hanging out in Salt Lake, definitely a different side of Salt Lake I've never seen. We went for a late night Slurpee run from our hotel, Since stipid idaho doesn't have any 7 elevens, and the clerk was an indian man and we didn't have enough to use our debit card so he got us a tootsie pop to give to our kids that we would have in the future and he said that once we have 3-5 kids that he'll take 2 because we looked like we would breed perfect children. We politely declined has desire for our offspring.